About Course
Have you tried to learn shell scripting on your own, but lack the structure you need to really improve your skills?
Are you tired of picking up bits and pieces of information that you can’t just seem to put together?
If so, you’re going to love this course.
It’s project-based, which means instead of learning bits and pieces of information, you’ll write actual shell scripts that you can use in real-world situations. You get the chance to immediately put what you learn to use so that you fully understand and remember it.
In this Linux shell scripting course you will learn how to:
- Name your shell scripts.
- Use the proper permissions on your shell scripts.
- Create and use variables in your scripts.
- Use shell built-in commands and operating system commands.
- Make the most out of special variables that are available to you in your scripts.
- Make decisions by using if statements and performing several different kinds of tests
- Check the exit statuses of commands and why you need to.
- Perform the same action or set of actions over a series of data utilizing for loops, while loops, and infinite loops.
- Control all types of input and output.
- Accept standard input from a user as well as from another program.
- Redirect standard output and standard error.
- Combine standard output and standard error
- Use command pipelining
- Perform text and string manipulation.
- Process command line arguments
- Creating functions and when to do so.
- Writing scripts that execute commands on other systems.
- Much, much, more…
When you enroll, you get lifetime access to the course. Your course never expires. You can study at your own pace and refer back to the lessons whenever you want!
I stand behind my courses and care about your goals. It’s my personal promise of your success! So…
If you’re ready to level up your shell scripting skills, enroll now!
Course Content
Introduction : Getting started with ShellScript
06:42 -
What Why Shell script
07:35 -
First Shell Script Hello World Shell Script
05:18 -
Shebang Shell Script How to use shebang in Shell Script
08:16 -
What is Built in, Keywords and Commands in Shellscript
06:26 -
Print Hello World Print in Different Color in Shellscipt
05:55 -
Comments and Echo in Shell script Multiple Line Print Statement
10:07 -
User Define Variable in Shell Script How to Define Variable 1
07:48 -
Rules for Naming Variable Name Valid Variable Name in Shell Script
04:31 -
System Defined Variable in Shell Script
09:58 -
Take Input From User in Shell Script Read Data From User
07:13 -
Command Line Argument in Shell Script
05:52 -
Command Line Arguments in Shell Script
05:04 -
Assign a Command’s Output to a Variable in Shell Script
03:12 -
How to create read only variable in Shell Script
02:42 -
How to Convert a String to Upper and Lower Case in Shell Script
03:49 -
How to Convert a String to SubString String Manipulation
10:45 -
How to Set Default Value of a Variable Variable Default Value
05:59 -
Check is Command line variable passed or not
03:55 -
Arithmetic Operator How to do airthmetic operator in shellscript
05:46 -
Functions Functions in Shellscript
07:45 -
How Shell ScriptLoad Functions in Shellscript
03:54 -
How to Pass Arguments to a Functions in Shellscript
05:21 -
How to Create Local Variable in Functions Local in Shellscript
07:23 -
What is $ and Test Command in Shell Script
05:31 -
How to Use If With Command Conditional Statement in Shellscript
09:17 -
Vs in Shellscript and String Comparison in Shellscript
07:39 -
How to Check File is Exist, Directory, Block Device, Character Device
08:48 -
What is Not Operator in Shellscript How to use not operator in bash
03:19 -
AND operator in Shellscript && in shellscript
08:54 -
OR operator in Shellscript in Shellscript and how to use it 1
06:31 -
If Else In Shellscript If Else Syntax In Shellscript
05:16 -
Nested If Else In Shellscript Nested If Else Syntax In Shellscript
05:10 -
elif In Shellscript elif Syntax In Shellscript how to use elif
06:34 -
Case Statement In Shellscript Case Syntax In Shellscript
04:57 -
Case Statement In Shellscript with regex Case Syntax In Shellscript
06:01 -
While Loop In Shellscript While Loop Syntax In Shellscript
09:20 -
Until Loop In Shellscript Until Loop Syntax In Shellscript
02:25 -
While Loop In Shellscript How to Read a File in Shellscript
05:57 -
For Loop In Shellscript For Loop Syntax In Shell script
07:26 -
Difference between $@ and $* in Shell script
03:51 -
Break Statement in Shell script Break in Shellscript Break Loop
02:57 -
Continue Statement in Shell script Continue in Shellscript
02:35 -
Nested Loop in Shell script Loop in Loop Shellscript
04:01 -
Select in Shell script Select from Menu in Shellscript
03:58 -
Debug Shellscript Exit from Shellscript when any Command Gives Error
04:49 -
Project Shellscript for beginners
32:41 -
Project Part 2 Shellscript for beginners
13:04 -
Project 3 Clean up code and exit function
06:39 -
Project 4 Create a Colourful Banner for Project
10:51 -
Project 5 Split Code in Multiple file Project structure
10:33 -
Project 6 Create a Progress Bar in ShallScript 1
07:53 -
Project 7 Use Progress bar in our project
09:29 -
Project 8 Use Trap in your project